About Me
- Madihah
- My first cry was on 14 August 1995 // a mixblood hooman // a daughter // an eldest // a dreamer // an enthusiast // a talkative // a poet // a student // a motivator // a high achiever
Trying to search the meaning of genuine happiness.
Based on true stories.
Hye there! (the one who's reading this). So basically a lot of us keen to know what the hell is depression? Why it is a trendy talk...
Hye there, it has been awhile since my last post. Yeah, today i would like to talk about the art of moving on. So, i have always ...
You know, I break apart countless of times. But I keep it silent every time - most of the time. Yes, some people might think I had had ...
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All That It Takes
You know, I break apart countless of times. But I keep it silent every time - most of the time. Yes, some people might think I had had ...